Friday, October 29, 2010

Follow THIS Mother

Cleopatra: A LifeIf you get a chance this week-end, pop over to the Run Like a Mother blog for a familiar face. 

I feel like I'm on the running equivalent of "Oprah!"

My next post will be a one-week-after-the-race entry, detailing the good, the bad, and the very ugly of last Sunday's half-marathon.  "Ugly" is where my head's been since then so I needed to pause and refresh. 

I'll also blog on the books I've been enjoying lately.  Right now I'm enthralled with the latest by Stacy Schiff, "Cleopatra."


  1. Found your blog from Run like a Mother. Great to see an "older" blogger and runner. Tomorrow I am running a local race - the haunted hustle - I am doing the 1/2 marathon and will be wearing a witches costume. The plan is to have FUN! . . . but I will be wearing my garmin. ;-)

  2. So happy to "meet" you! and I hope the race went well. Please let me know how it was. A costume AND your Garmin. Hope it was fun!

  3. Also checking in from RLAM...always looking for 'seasoned' running buddies, (especially book-loving runners!)...for some reason when I got to give up running strollers, I thought my 'problems' were over...age is a whole new set of issues! I look forward to following your blog.

  4. I also found you from RLAM; I too am an old gal and am from Portland; yeah for small worlds.

  5. Welcome Megan and Kathy! I look forward to chatting with you both about the joys of being a runner of a "certain age."
